Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How useful is Joseph Fletcher’s “Situation Ethics” as a guide to human behaviour? Essay

Rudolf Bultmann claimed that Jesus Christ had no ethics except for â€Å"Love thy neighbour as thyself†. This is what the Anglican Joseph Fletcher based his theory of Situation Ethics on. Fletcher opposed the idea of Legalistic and Antinomian Ethics. Legalistic ethics is where there are absolute rules to what should and should not be done. Fletcher said that Legalism couldn’t accommodate the â€Å"exceptions to the rule† and that rejecting a particular aspect of the law than you surely must reject it all. For example the law â€Å"Do not kill† may require more laws to allow killing in self defence, killing in war, killing unborn babies etc. and doing this contradicts the law in the first place. Antinomian Ethics means â€Å"against law† and people using this approach do not live by an ethical system at all. Fletcher is against this not only because it is unprincipled but also on the basis of existentialist ethics, which argues that reality is composed of singular event and moments in time and Antinomian ethics follows no predictable direction from one situation to another. Situation ethics is based purely on agape love for all. That every ethical decision we make should be made on the premise that â€Å"the end justifies the means†, and that the most loving action with a pure motive is the best one. He claims that Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount should be our moral code rather than the Old Testament’s Ten Commandments. Jesus’ ethics of â€Å"love thy neighbour as thyself† can be related to every ethical dilemma, whether modern or old. â€Å"Jesus said nothing about birth control, large or small families, childlessness, homosexuality, masturbation, fornication, premarital intercourse, sterilisation, artificial insemination, abortion, sex, foreplay, petting and courtship. Whether any form of sex (Hetero, Homo or Auto) is good or evil depends on whether love is fully served.† (Fletcher quoted by Jenkins) Fletcher pointed out that even Jesus broke Jewish law if love was better served by doing so. â€Å"Christ Jesus †¦ abolished the law with its commandments and legal claims.† Ephesians 2:13-15 Christians of all denominations can use Fletcher’s theory, which is an advantage as religious disputes and anger between the Protestants and Catholics is such a divide in the Christian religion. Situation ethics could help break down the barriers and unite a faith once again, as situation ethics main principle is love. Fletcher developed six fundamental principles. These are: 1) No actions are intrinsically right or wrong. Nothing is good in and of itself except for love. Actions are good if they help people and bad if they don’t. One cannot expect to live responsibly with moral absolutes. 2) Good actions should not be done for reward (E.g. experiencing a good feeling or seeking altruistic deeds in return) but should be done for their own sake. Jesus and Paul taught love as the highest principle above the Law. 3) Justice is love at work in the community. 4) Love is practical and not selective. We should show love to all, even our enemies. Christian love is unconditional. 5) Love is the end – never a means to something else. 6) Humans have the responsibility of freedom. They are not bound by any Law. With this comes the responsibility to ‘do the most loving thing’ in every situation. â€Å"Fletcher claims that it is a mistake to generalise. You can’t say ‘Is it ever right to lie to your family?’ The answer must be, ‘I don’t know, give me an example.’ A concrete situation is needed, not a generalisation. ‘It all depends’ may well be the watchword of the Situationist.† (Vardy & Grosch p.130) There are many benefits to Situation Ethics. The Bible does not cover many modern topics such as abortion, artificial insemination etc and situation Ethics allows us to work out which is the most loving action with the most loving end. It is also true to the Gospel representation of Jesus and what rules he lived by rather than living by the Old Testament or Jewish laws such as the Ten Commandments, which Jesus came to amend. Situation ethics is flexible, practical and allows for certain actions if the motive is pure and loving for others. It allows the evaluation of actions to choose the least wrong out of two wrong actions, which a legalist cannot do. There are however many criticisms which mostly come down to the problem of knowing what the most loving action is. As we cannot predict actions of other or even actions of our own, it is difficult to know whether the most loving end will actually come or whether an unseen factor may emerge and change the outcome. Selfish people also may twist situation ethics to suit themselves. Agape love is only an ideal to follow as closely as possible not to live by, as it is difficult to see things from an objective point of view. How can we be sure that an action comes out of Agape? Who is to decide whether an action is pure by motive? Can God only decide this at Judgement Day? Another very important criticism is that it can be argued that Hitler was killing Jews out of love for the Arian race and the future of the world. Does Situation ethics allow for such actions that have been dubbed â€Å"Wrong, and that’s that.† such as the Holocaust, September the Eleventh and the Bali bombing? Although the arguments for situation ethics are very convincing and useful for everyday life, the criticisms cannot be ignored, as they are very plausible and important for world issues and topics. A way that considers both Situation ethics and legalism and is somewhere in between is Proportionalism. Proportionalists believe moral rules can only be overridden if there is a proportionate reason in a particular situation. This includes both Natural law (killing, stealing, lying, cheating) and the Situational ethics view. Proportionalists believe that these laws should be adhered to unless there are good reasons not to. This allows for flexibility and a certain amount of relativism whilst still using the fundamental aspects of the Bible. An evil like pain, death or mutilation is, in itself, pre-moral or non-moral, and should never be described as ‘moral’. It is the act as a whole, which is right or wrong, and it is the person, or the person in his or her acting, who is morally good or morally bad. (Bernard Hoose quoted by Vardy & Grosch) I conclude that Fletcher’s situation ethics is highly useful for Christians in everyday life for all the reasons above. However I do believe that there has to be a balance and in my opinion it seems that Proportionalism is the best and most moral route to follow. It contains principles of both Situation ethics and Legalism and seems to make the most sense.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Christian Apologist Essay

Included in the 10 most influential Christians of the 20th century alongside Karl Barth, Pope John XXIII, Martin Luther King Jr, and Billy Graham, the Christian History magazine named him â€Å"the atheist scholar who became an Anglican, an apologist, and a ‘patron saint’ of Christians everywhere. † He was also dubbed as an â€Å"apostle to the skeptics† because he resolutely answered frequent objections individuals had when it came to accepting Christ as their Savior (christianodyssey. com). Born into a Protestant family in Ireland on November 29, 1898, C.  S. Lewis was the son of A. J. Lewis, a solicitor, and Flora Augusta, a promising mathematician. He bore a lonely and unhappy childhood. Especially crushed by the death of his mother due to cancer when he was nine years old, Lewis was left disheartened with God (christianodyssey. com). Lewis came to reject Christianity at an early age, becoming an affirmed atheist. He reasoned that Christian myths were mediocre and that the Christian god must be a sadist (about. com). Whilst being inquired about his religious view, C. S.  Lewis labeled the worship of Christ and the Christian faith as â€Å"one mythology among many. † (christianodyssey. com). Lewis was married to Helen Joy Davidman. She was a Jewish American with two children of her own. Davidman was good-natured and shared her husband’s joy in argument. Sadly, she died of cancer in 1960 (kirjasto. htm). After a prolonged period poor health and sporadic recovery, Lewis himself died on November 22, 1963 (christianodyssey. com). Fondly called â€Å"Jack† by his loved ones, Lewis was a well-known professor at both Oxford and Cambridge. Lewis’ 25 books on Christian topics include Mere Christianity (1952), The Problem of Pain (1940), Miracles (1947), The Screwtape Letters (1942), Surprised by Joy (1955) and The Great Divorce (1945). The Pilgrim’s Regress (1933) was about his own experience while on his way to conversion (christianodyssey. com). In The Problem of Pain (1940), it is asked, â€Å"If God is good and all-powerful, why does he allow his creatures to suffer pain? † Here, Lewis reasoned that the wrong choices people tend to make usually account for the suffering they are eventually faced (kirjasto. htm). Here we see that Lewis is trying to give rational answers to queries people have without completely basing it on blind faith. Critics usually look for an understanding based on the cause-and-effect principle. The Chronicles of Narnia has turned out to be the most lasting of Lewis’s novels. It retells the story of the Creation, the fall and redemption of humanity and also includes other Christian themes in allegorical form. The portal to Narnia, a version of Paradise, is a wardrobe through which four sibling children enter this secondary world. In the first story the bad Witch is destroyed in a battle. The final books deal with Narnia’s beginning and end. In the last Armageddon story, with its death-and-resurrection theme, the struggle was between a king and the forces of evil (kirjasto. htm). We need to understand here that if readers can understand the mechanics of Narnia and how the plot of this story works with the inclusion of certain Christian themes, they can better understand Christian beliefs from a more objective point of view and accept it. The same point of view they read and understood The Chronicles of Narnia. Lewis presented the basic teachings of orthodox Christianity — teachings he labeled â€Å"mere Christianity† (inplainsite. rg). Lewis went on British radio between 1942 and 1944. His discussions during those years were on what he called â€Å"mere Christianity,† that is, the universal and most doctrinal beliefs of the faith. This very collection of radio talks were later tied together in one of Lewis’ most influential books, Mere Christianity (christianodyssey. com). Lewis’s project in this book was to defend â€Å"mere Christianity,† or the most essential basics of the Christian faith, against unbelievers. (leaderu. com) Lewis based his defense of Christianity on an argument from morality. The Moral Argument states that there is a universal â€Å"moral conscience† amongst all human beings. Everybody possesses an internal sense of moral obligation to realize the difference between right and wrong and choose to do what is right. Lewis ascertains that the existence of this common â€Å"moral conscience,† can only be the consequential result from the existence of a god who created all humans. (about. com). C. S. Lewis disputed for reason-based Christianity as opposed to faith-based Christianity. This is a questionable decision on Lewis’ part because conventional Christianity is indisputably faith-based. Lewis’ principal readers were supposed to be skeptics and atheists rather than current believers. Skeptics doubt for lack of reason and evidence; therefore, only reason and evidence is more likely to draw their reconsideration. In his book, Mere Christianity, Lewis writes: â€Å"I am not asking anyone to accept Christianity if his best reasoning tells him that the weight of the evidence is against it. † (about. com). One of Lewis’ most-often-quoted statements is from Mere Christianity, where he uses reason and logic to introduce three possibilities to us (often known as the â€Å"Lewis trilemma†). According to this trilemma, either Jesus really was God and intentionally lying, or was not God but reckoned himself to be (which would make him a lunatic). Mere Christianity goes on to say that the latter likelihood is not consistent with Jesus’ character and it is, therefore, most likely that he was being truthful â€Å"A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg—or else he would be the devil of hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon; or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to. â€Å"- Mere Christianity (christianodyssey. com). As mentioned earlier in this paper, C. S. Lewis’ readings are mostly meant for critics and unbelievers of the Christian faith. It is not designed for Christians who have accepted Lord Jesus as their Savior because they do not need to be convinced through reason-based writings about Christianity. Lewis was very interested in presenting a reasonable case for the truth of Christianity. I chose C. S. Lewis for my Apologetics term paper because I had always known this personality as the author of my favorite books. Years later, I was overwhelmingly surprised the depth of these novels in correlation to Christian concepts of Creation, Paradise and Armageddon. The applications of Lewis’ teachings can be seen in his Christian writings. They all lean towards reason, approaching Christianity as a religion that has factual grounds in addition of those relying on faith. C. S. Lewis believed the best apology for Christianity was the life of a believer and the way we live our lives. Non-Christians are more likely to be attracted to Christianity through the non-verbal acts and conduct of our life. However he also believed in verbal apologetics. Lewis believed Christianity was rational but at the same time was ultra-rational, i. e. that it was supernatural and divine and went way beyond the limits and scope of rationality (thatimayknowhim. o. uk). Lewis even believed in theistic evolution. In The Problem of Pain he wrote, â€Å"If by saying that man rose from brutality you mean simply that man is physically descended from animals, I have no objections†¦. For long centuries God perfected the animal form which was to become the vehicle of humanity and the image of Himself. He gave it hands whose thumbs could be applied to each of its fingers, and jaws and teeth and the throat capable of articulation, and a brain sufficiently complex to execute all material motions whereby rational thought is incarnated. The creature may have existed for ages in this state before it became man†¦. We do not know how many of these creatures God made, nor how long they continued in the Paradisal state† – The Problem of Pain (svchapel. org) The uniqueness of Lewis’ writings is fairly obvious. In comparison to other apologists, Lewis appealed to the reader’s emotions and sense of imagination. He, therefore, wanted to write about the essence of Christianity by reflecting upon its poignant, visual and imaginative side in its rational coherence. He wanted for the reader to taste the beauty of the faith; to draw the reader into the magnificent story of God’s salvation, to submerge him/her into the universe of Christianity. Many Christians testified that they started to seek heaven only after reading Lewis’ works. The way he is able to depict heaven and the spiritual world enabled the reader to truly understand the gift of Heaven that awaits us (euroleadershipresources. org). It is from C. S. Lewis that we need to learn that the kind of language used to explore God and the content of Christian faith is a matter of epitome importance. The human language has the potential to mediate feelings and understanding on an extremely poignant level. If implemented correctly Christian apologists need to be excited for themselves because of the relationship they are in with God. This very excitement on such a personal level will only help them better to find the right words and literary expressions needed to present the Christian faith. In this way, thanks to C. S. Lewis, Apologetics will become an effective personal testimony of God’s salvation (euroleadershipresources. org).

Monday, July 29, 2019

U.S. National Intelligence Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

U.S. National Intelligence Services - Essay Example All their responsibilities revolve around one thing: â€Å"To maintain peace and prosperity in United States and to eradicate all the evils from the society which are causing disruptions†. Some of its top-most responsibilities are to protect United States from terrorism, intelligence threats, high technology crimes, cyber-based attacks, civil rights etc. It has the duty perform which includes combating and eradicating public corruption at all levels, white collar and violent crime etc. Protecting civil liberties is one of the main aims of FBI in which FBI is responsible to collect all the required information and provided to the foreign intelligence collection agencies. It has to perform its duty in accordance to United States constitutional system. FBI also trains special agents so that they can have an insight, how to carry on civil rights protections programs in the country. This extensive Civil Law instruction greatly helps in maintaining law and order in the country. Responsibilities of FBI have been re-stated and improvised after the social and political impact of the events of 9/11. Its Motto says it all: ‘Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity’. FBI needs should make such an organizational structure which clearly defines the responsibilities of the supervisors and other employees to increase efficiency. Improving internal security systems and managerial systems will directly improve the management of this agency. Being an individual United States civil agency, CIA has to follow a proper framework of responsibilities set in accordance with Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act 2004 mainly. Conducting counterterrorism and counterintelligence activities is the main responsibility of CIA. Taking care of the special national security matters is what the main duty of CIA is. All these responsibilities can only be carried efficiently and effectively only in one case which is,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Introduction to Indigenous Studies ( Reaction Paper) Essay - 1

Introduction to Indigenous Studies ( Reaction Paper) - Essay Example It is clearly evident that there was the struggle as well as the partition of the various countries. It is therefore important to note that this kind of activity therefore led to the various countries struggling to take control of the other country in the name of the captured states being colonies. It was therefore this reason that therefore led to the collision that was between the colonial governments as well as the local governments. It is therefore important to note that this collision led to the countries engaging themselves in wars. It is therefore these factors that so led to the present states of the various nations. In this case therefore, the writer talks of the intergenerational trauma. Under this, it is important to highlight that the earlier generations underwent certain forms of violence s that they could have the freedom. It is his freedom that is enjoyed by the other persons in the various parts of the world that were colonized. It is important to note that these people who fought for the rights of the people, and also fought to have their country as they wanted. The people were tortured in several ways by the colonialists and that they had no good form of treatment in the various places that they were taken to for the captivity. It is was therefore this reason that the families found it so sad to bear the torture that their people underwent in their captivity. In this, it is important to highlight that this kind of trauma that the people underwent in their areas of captivity was passed from generation to generation. This is in the sense that as it is said and biologically logical that a snake gives birth to a snake, the off springs of the people who were tortured and captured had to into the same ways that their parents went through and therefore were as well subjected to the same treatment. They also wanted to fight or their freedom, in revenge for the acts that their parents went through

Managing the use of Force in Policing Research Paper

Managing the use of Force in Policing - Research Paper Example Many of the police managers are aware that the police officers who are amongst the most motivated and generate most arrests are those who apply maximum use of force. This seems to generate conflict between the managers who find it hard to discipline those said to be on the lead in combating crime. As managers are aware that their core responsibility is to discourage abuse of force and ensure that the police force apply the principle of minimum force, it is not unusual not to believe that the police can be effective by application of these principles. The managers, secretly believe that police obtain respect from those who challenge their authority through dominating physically. This paper aims address this issue by looking at the features of the use of force, which are relevant in understanding the risks related to attempts to manage the use of force by the police. Most use of force by police takes place where managers are never present, and normally involve decisions by a police off icer that force is justified in such circumstance. This decision normally fall on the members of the lowest level of the organizational structure, and it reflects the routine character of uniformed and plain clothed police officers who are dispersed, and has low visibility from the watch of police management and other regulatory bodies. Police encounters with individuals who have the potential for the use of force mostly in public settings or in places where the problems with their clientele have come to light (Fyfe, 1986). Other people may be present in addition to suspects, which increases pressure on police to handle the situation in a manner that demonstrate humanity or they risk adverse reaction from the public. In contrast, these encounters with situations by the police force normally take place, though they are public, in settings by virtue of late hours where non-police third party witnesses are not present. This situation minimizes the pressure and restrains possible influe nce of adverse reactions from the public. In most cases, the situation could increase possibility of using excessive force and enhance fabrication of the facts of the events by the involved police. In addition, it might deprive the person of the confidence that presence of third party may be a restraint on the police. Police may require the use of force in some situations, when they do occur, tend to give a sense of urgency (Fyfe, 1986). Such like cases gives the police limited degree of choices as to whether they can get involved in the situation. The situation is said to be involuntary and require the police to use force in terms of ‘split-second decisions’ made on the inducement of the moment. Some of these situations encountered by the police are unanticipated and call for a quick response from the police force. On the same, trainers and analysts have shown concerns over the recent years on the myth of split-second decision by focusing on the decisions made by an of ficer prior to arrival to the immediate vicinity of the subject (William & Dae-Hoon, 2008). These decisions can be characterized into five phases: anticipation, initial confrontation on entry, exchange of information and dialogue, final frame decision and then the aftermath. Responses to situations that require the police to use force reflect a series subjective judgment that regards the unfolding situation. The work of police

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Post 9 11 America Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Post 9 11 America - Research Paper Example This could be divided into, A. Suspicion Prior to the terrorist attack, the interaction between various persons in the United States of America was smooth. This was very good at societal and national level. After the attack, a different perspective on things viewed innocently changed. The citizens were unaware of when the next attack could be conducted. As a result, they became more suspicious in everything they undertook (Tweedie 1). For the people with Arabic origin, they were perceived to be sympathizers of terrorism and thus were somehow alienated from the society. A good example is the removal of six Muslim imams from the plane due to them raising suspicion to other passages and the airline administration. B. Discrimination This followed from the risen suspicion of the American citizens towards people who were Arab, Muslim, Sikh, and south Asian (Gohil and Sidhu 91). This was mainly because they were either perceived to be directly or indirectly involved in the attacks. In some cases, vandalism was conducted. In the call for the construction of a mosque in USA, the citizens demonstrated in a bid to obstruct the implementation of the idea. This clearly indicated that people of Muslim and Arab origin were not accepted in USA. As time has been passing on, various transformations have been achieved in which the interaction has been building up. Since not all Arabs and Muslim are involved in terrorist attacks, various persons processing the same faith have declared their intentions in assisting in identifying people linked to terrorism (Smith 1). C. Department of Homeland Security The successful conduction of the terrorist attack on 9/11 indicated the limitation in capacity of the American security forces at the time. As a result, it was necessary to form a body that would entirely be mandated in looking into potential threats in USA and taking precaution in order to ensure that similar attacks were not conducted. This was implemented by the formation of depart ment of homeland security. It has since then been very useful even in cases of natural disasters. Its council conducts their control from the white house. Due to its importance in national security, it has continuously been transformed as the technology advances and currently it forms part of the top three cabinet departments in the US federal government. Thus despite the attack bringing pain and suffering, other merits such as formation of department of homeland security were reaped. D. Politics The attack led to numerous transformations in the US politics. At the time, both parties combined their effort and brought forth the necessity of implementation of foreign policies that clearly addressed the issue. A good example is the Patriot Act passed by the congress and signed by the president at the time, George W. Bush. The act reduced restriction initially imposed to the security officers. As a result, intensive search was conducted to persons at various locations in a bid to identi fy and prevent terrorist attacks (Drash 1). In addition, the officers were capable of looking into the personal details such as communication and finance. The secretary of treasury’s authority was empowered to regulate financial transactions especially those involving foreigners. After the attack, terrorist was modified to take into account domestic terrorism and many immigrants suspected

Friday, July 26, 2019

Organisations and Behaviour assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Organisations and Behaviour - Assignment Example Communication generally occurs at the immediate level. A traditional hierarchical structure is more favourable for smaller organisations. The organisations having less number of employees can be controlled and proper flow of communication can be maintained with a top down organisation approach. This is helpful in enforcing power and command over the organisation. However, with the rise in globalisation and technological advancements, organisations began to downsize and started to use technology instead. In the present business environment, a strict top down approach of hierarchal organisational structure is tough to follow. Since every department is branching out into many sub divisions and vertical as well as horizontal branches, cross communication has seen an enormous rise. Thus looking at the present scenario, a hierarchal organisational structure will lead to a lack in communication and the resultant organisational will be more bureaucratic in nature. Apart from this, another ma jor disadvantage of this structure is that it does not encourage employees to collaborate, share ideas and information. Sometimes employees develop cliches and it may also result in fierce competition for power within departments. This decreases the motivation level of employees. Hawk Company was following taylorist methods of production. A taylorist method can be characterized as a production process in which every action or task is broken down into smaller segments with the objective of monitoring and correcting any action. This can be regarded as a rigorous method of production where each and every action is flowed by strict monitoring. A taylorist approach can be accompanied by many methods of organisational structure. These can be bureaucratic, hierarchal or specialised structure. In the bureaucratic, structure, strict rules and regulations are followed and procedures are delegated in order to achieve compliance and control of subordinated from those who give orders. The second one is hierarchical in which decision makers are separated from employees who implement. Traditional methods of taylorism are highly dysfunctional and lead decrease in motivation of employees and workers. From the above two theories, it is very evident that the arising issues and complications from the traditional methods of organisational structure and production process lead to the subsequent changes, which were implemented in the organisation. It is evident from the case that the work process in the manufacturing unit was boring and repetitive and workers were losing interest in the process. The organisational structure was hierarchal as well as bureaucratic because of which, the workers had a very little say in the decision making process. The technology used in the manufacturing unit was mostly basic and traditional because of which workers are highly dissatisfied. This had also resulted in high amount of absenteeism and difficulty in recruitment. Looking at the problems and i ssues, the management decided to consult with the workers and staff. With the help of workers and employee feedback, many changes were made. The first change was made on the workshop and the factory. Old and traditional machinery were replaced by new and more advanced equipments. Special training was also provided to the workers for making them acquainted with the latest machinery. The assembly lines of workers were changed from single task workers to teams, where a team will be

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Fluoridation and Toxicity Issues Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Fluoridation and Toxicity Issues - Assignment Example Nevertheless, there are three things I have learned from the lecture of Nokes. One of these is that the claims to the negative effects of fluoride on the human body – weakening of bones, Down syndrome, Cancer, birth defects, reproductive effects, renal and gastrointestinal effects, lower IQ, and other bone disorders – basically have no scientific bases (Nokes). Moreover, these claims may have only been due to traditional knowledge about the harmful effects of fluoride as a raw material and in large amounts. I have also learned from this that I should not believe advertisements or negative propaganda or any type right away. Furthermore, I believe that the best thing to do with something confusing is to deal with it in a logical way, specifically by using â€Å"What, Why, When, How, Where, Who† (Nokes). Through this logical investigation on fluoridation as explained by Nokes, one can find out that much of the claims that other people have against fluoride are actua lly unsubstantiated by scientific evidence and logic. The second thing I have learned is that the potential harm from fluoride is least likely to happen because although fluoride can be harmful in large amounts, the government has set a limit to this. This limit is actually a standard value at 0.01 g/mL while the actual amount of fluoride added by the city government to water is 0.001 g/mL. This is just a mere 10% of the actual threshold value, which means that it is impossible that the fluoride will ever cause any harm. However, I would still like to think that the harm that fluoride causes may not exactly depend solely on the amount. Sometimes, I would like to think that fluoride is like acid that no matter what the amount, it will cause some damage to the material. The third thing I have learned from Nokes’ lecture is that just a small amount of fluoride is added to the water and that even this amount relative to water is much smaller in concentration. For example, althoug h fluoride is 134,000 mg in 1 kilogram of the HFA compound, this seemingly large amount of fluoride actually only translates as 7.46 x 10-6 kg/L when mixed with water (Nokes). This means that water is a great neutralizer of chemicals as it is the universal solvent. The fluoride in water therefore, if water fluoridation is to be carried out soon, is definitely much lower than what can possibly cause any harm. However, as what I have explained earlier, sometimes some chemical reactions may kill someone regardless of the amount of the reactants involved. This means that a small amount of fluoride may actually still cause some harm which is just as intense as when it is caused by fluoride above safe levels. Moreover, sometimes I would like to think that some damage caused by fluoride may accumulate in the human body as more and more fluoride is being ingested through fluoridated water. Furthermore, there could also be some complications that will take some time before it can take effect as a disease. In fact, although I am convinced by Nokes’ lecture, he did not shed light on all the aspects of the fluoridation of water. I would therefore like to suggest that there should be a more thorough investigation of the case of the fluoridation of water in Hamilton City. All aspects should be answered especially those involved in the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Humanities and film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Humanities and film - Essay Example In other words, the moving images we see on film largely represent a filmmaker’s vivid imaginations and creative expression resulting to an artistic creation. Consequently, this depiction of feelings and ideas through film affect our emotion and move us; so much so that it enables us to reflect about the condition of our own existence and time here on earth. Indeed, what makes film a significant art form is that it reveals an artist’s portrayal of an idea or situation that deeply touches our humanity. A filmmaker’s task goes beyond recording footages and presenting them to general viewers. Like any form of art, film making involves a rigorous task of carefully choosing the right composition of shots and capturing vivid emotions to achieve the desired cinematic movement and expression. In this way, film enables us to reveal our humanity because it allows us to relate and reflect on the moving pictures shown to us on screen. When we watch a film, it shows that we are human beings with fragile emotions when we start to cry over a dramatic act or laugh at a funny scene. Our emotions are impulsively reacting what to what we see – which is merely the result of a filmmaker’s artistic expression and interpretation of a narrative plot. Moreover, the significance of film in the study of humanities is revealed on how stories are created and interpreted to reveal our human condition. Some films tell stories that depict our present reality, in such a way that its primary purpose is to mirror what is going on in our society. On the other hand, some films revolve around our imaginations which describe stories about the â€Å"dream life of our culture† (Wall, 1998, p.1). Because human stories and aspirations are depicted on film, we are able to transport ourselves into a different place and see how other individuals live. By seeing a different perspective on

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Wage differences in Urban Informal Sector of China Essay

Wage differences in Urban Informal Sector of China - Essay Example Though the study of migration is not new in economics, the study considered in this context is important due to the wage differences between urban and rural areas and the informal sector of the urban areas. In this study of migration of China, the household was recognised regarding migration. Instead of number of people migrated to urban areas, the households migrated are been registered in China. Out of urban-urban, rural -rural migrations, the rural -urban migration exposed the wage differences issue. 1 The migration from rural to urban is so much important as it was assumed that the hukou system of 1950s was proposed to tie the farmers to the land. This is for supplying low cost agricultural products to the industrial sector. This restricted the mobility of the people during the great famine during s1960s. The farmers depended on collective farming and the opportunity cost for migration was very high. The migration was made easy and speeded up when china started economic reforms in 1978. 2 The urban informal sector of developing countries like China absorbs who cannot find productive employment. If this point is ignored, it can be stated that it will contribute to employment and income generation. The legal status of the activities of the companies in the informal sector will fall outside the reach of the government regulations. This is due to the size of the companies having less than 10 employees and usage of simple and traditional technology. In China the government is limited to administrative resources tend to focus on large scale operations. The minimum wage legislation is enforced only in large scale establishments and informal sector was out of the reach of that legislation. One more reason for non implementation is that the companies seize to exist when the legislation is implemented. This needs the study of the determinants of employment in the urban informal sector in China. The size of the labour force of urban informal sector is due to the interactions wi thin the economy as a whole. The absorption capacity rural areas regarding labour decides the migration and wage differences in the system. Though the urban informal sector is less in wages than the formal sector, the migration continues due to the still lesser wages in the rural areas. The urban informal sector absorbs very poor people as labour. As the sector provides income continuously without security, the poor and semi qualified people are absorbed by this sector. Particularly unskilled labour are employed and their lack of skills result in lower wages. 4. Effects of Informal Sector In the globalisation and economic reforms period the countries like china are catching up the opportunities of trade and development. International specialisation has become more effective during the period of specialisation and the liberalisation resulted in lowering the transport costs. The informal sectors discussed the macroeconomic role of labour reallocation. This analysed the effects of economic growth, production and trade patterns. This included the analysis of wages and there existed a substantial difference between the wages of formal and informal sectors. This resulted in the differences in the effects of formal and informal sectors on macro economic effects. The simulation regarding the allocation of workers, has put them across low and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Emergency Operations Plan Essay Example for Free

Emergency Operations Plan Essay Brownsville Texas is located in approximately 30 miles from the Gulf of Mexico and it is vulnerable to a major hurricane like Hurricane Katrina that devastated much of Louisiana in 2005. During Hurricane Katrina many of the things when wrong because emergency leaders were because, emergency managers were not prepared for the after mass of the hurricane. It is important for a city to have a structured Emergency Operations Plan in place in the event of a major hurricane. This will help make emergency operations run smooth and emergency managers make important decisions. Hurricanes are measured in Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. This gives the hurricane a rating of 1 to 5 based on its sustained wind speed (NOAA, 2013). The rating is also based on the amount of damage a hurricane can create once it makes land fall. For example â€Å"any storm that reaches a sustained wind speed of 74-95 miles per hour (mph) is considered a category 1 hurricane† (NOAA, 2013). Any hurricane that reaches a sustained wind speed of 111-129 mph is category 3 hurricane and it falls in a major hurricane category. Category 3 hurricanes and higher are considered the most dangerous and have the potential to create the most damage (NOAA, 2013). 1.Purpose of the plan The purpose of this plan is to establish an Emergency Operation Plan (EOP) that will provide guild lines and procedures for emergency managers in the event of a major hurricane in the South Texas area. The Emergency Operations Plan will show the vulnerabilities of the City of Brownsville, major concerns that city managers have, contact information for local hospitals, Fire Department, Police Station and it will also help emergency managers coordinate operations with local, State and Federal Agencies. It will also indicate the location of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and the Unified Command Center. The EOC leader or manager will have complete command and control of all emergency operation, before, during and after the hurricane has made landfall in the city of Brownsville. The EOC will be the primary base of operations throughout the disaster. This means that all emergency operations will be coordinated through the EOC and all emergency managers and team leaders will report to the EOC, as soon as they arrive on scene and before any operations start. The EOP will establish a chain of command that will be followed by all agencies and private organizations  involved in emergency operations. This will include all local, State and Federal agencies assisting or participating in the EOP. The EOP will also indicate the locations of the primary and secondary EOC. The secondary location for the EOC will be used in the event that they primary location of the EOC is damaged during the hurricane and can no longer be safely used to conduct emergency operations. The EOP will also indicate who will participate in the emergency operations and what role they will have throughout emergency operations, before, during and after the hurricane. This will help emergency managers better utilize the resources that will be available to them. This will also help emergency managers plan and execute emergency operations in a safe and protective manner. The goal of the emergency plan is to provide as much information as possible to the community before the hurricane makes land fall. During and after the hurricane mission is to save as many lives as possible. This will be done through conducting emergency operations, providing medical care to the injured and by establishing temporary shelters to people that have had to evacuate their homes. 2.Situation Brownsville, Texas is located in South Texas and is a city that is approximately 30 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. The cities or communities along the Gulf of Mexico coast line are vulnerable to a potential hurricane during hurricane season. Hurricane season normally starts on June 1st and ends on November 30th (Brownsville Herald, 2014). This is the time when tropical storms form out in the Gulf of Mexico. But not all storms that form are considered hurricanes. When a storm becomes a hurricane, they are considered very dangerous storms because they have the potential cause a lot of damage. This EOP is designed to be put into action in the event of a category 3 hurricane or higher threatens the city of Brownsville. A category 3 hurricane can bring rains that can last for a long period of time. This can cause floods in certain parts of the city, the high winds are also a major concern because â€Å"framed homes may incur major damage or removal of roof decking and gable ends (NOAA, 2013). These high winds can also break trees that can cause roads to be blocked for long periods of time. A category 3 or higher hurricane can also affect the electricity and running water in the city. This means that people in many communities  throughout the city can be left without running water or electricity for days. 3.Assumptions Assuming a category 4 hurricane in enroute to the Gulf of Mexico coast and it will directly affect the city of Brownsville, emergency managers have a plan in place to start warning the community of the threat the 4 hurricane poses. This is done by using the media and providing up to date information on the status of the hurricane. At least five days before the hurricane makes land fall emergency managers need to start providing the community with up to date information on the hurricane. This will include strength of the hurricane and the potential damage it will create. Emergency managers should make plans to conduct emergency operations for at least 24 to 48 hours after the hurricane makes land fall. This will include the first responder’s response time and evacuation operations if they are needed. Evacuating people from the local hospitals is a priority. At least five days before the hurricane makes landfall hospitals should need to contact and make arrangements for the hosp itals to be evacuated (DSHS.TX, 2013). 4.Concept of Operations The concept of emergency operations plan is to create a unified response to the threat of a category 4 hurricane. The will be done by creating establishing a chain of command that all agencies and private organizations can follow. The EOP will keep the community informed of any changes or any important information that they will need before, during and after the hurricane. The EOP will also establish a Unified Command Center where different agencies can work together with one common goal. The goal is to save and protect as many people as possible from the threat of hurricane. This can be done by providing early warning of the hurricane and establishing a chain of command. This is will also help emergency managers effectively us all the resources that they have at their disposal. The EOP will also establish a list of agencies and organizations that will be involved in the emergency planning and any operations during the disaster. 5.Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities The Brownsville Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security will be  the lead agency in charge of all emergency operations (OEMHS). OEMHS is responsible for planning and efforts to mitigate the effects of, prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies and disasters whether natural or man-made (COB, 2011). The local, State and Federal agencies and private organizations that will be involved in the EOP will be: A.Brownsville Police Department B.Cameron County Sherriff’s Office C.Brownsville Public Works Department D.Texas Department of Public Safety E.Brownsville Fire Department F.United States Border Patrol G.United States Coast Guard H.Texas Army National Guard I.American Red Cross J.Local Hospitals K.Private Businesses These agencies are considered first responders and will play a very important role in the EOP. Each of these agencies will have specific mission and will provide assistance to the community as it is needed. The assistance can be anything from helping people evacuate from their home to assisting in the city evacuation route. Each agency will have a representative at the Unified Command Center. This means that all operations and assignments will be given to the first responders from the Unified Command Center. A.Brownsville Police Department The Brownsville Police Department will maintain a command post at the Brownsville Police Department. Their representative will coordinate any and all operations through the Unified Command Center. The Brownsville Police Department will also assist in closing street or roads that are considered dangerous or that might possibly flood. They will also maintain public order and ensure that the public stays away from areas that are considered dangerous. They will also enforce any curfews that are order by emergency managers. B.Cameron County Sherriff’s Office The Cameron County Sherriff’s Office will assist the Brownsville Police Department in enforcing road closers and any curfews that are set in place. They will also maintain a command post at the Sheriff’s Office. They will also maintain a command center at the Sherriff’s Office. This will help coordinate emergency operations and asses the needs of their officers. They will also assist in the evacuation of any people that are need of assistance. The Sherriff’s Office will also help identify disabled and elderly people that might need to be evacuated before or after the hurricane has made landfall. C.Brownsville Public Works Department Brownsville Public Works Department will in charge of placing closer sign around the city streets that have been identified as flood areas. They will also place signs on the highway that will identify the emergency evacuation routes. The Public Works Department will also be in charge of evaluating the damage to the roads and street in Brownsville after the hurricane has passed (COB, 2001). This will help emergency managers identify the streets that can be used during emergency operations and will also identify the streets that need to be fixed during recovery operations. They are also in charge of clearing the city’s drainage system. Clearing the drainage pipes is very important task, because it will help clear the water from some of the flooded areas. This will also help speed up the recovery operations around the city. They will also maintain an agency representative at the Unified Command Center to help coordinate any emergency operations within their agency. D.Texas Depart ment of Public Safety The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) will in charge of all evacuation routes (TXDOT, 2014). They will coordinate with city managers and establish an evacuation route 72 to 60 hours before the hurricane makes landfall (TXDPS, 2013). DPS will also coordinate with the city’s public works and coordinate the road closers along the highway. This will limit the access to the evacuation route to only controlled entry points. This will help DPS maintain control of the traffic coming in and out of the evacuation route. DPS will also coordinate with other law enforcement agencies in the area and will assign specific duties in regards to the evacuation routes. DPS will set of refueling station for vehicles that need gas along the  evacuation route. DPS will also have a representative at the Unified Command Center. They will also set up a command center at their main office, this will help them coordinate and support their operations. E.Brownsville Fire Department The Brownsville Fire Department (BFD) will play a very important role in any and all emergency operations. The BFD is highly training and equipped to handle any emergency. They have boats and breaching equipment that could be used to get people out of flooded areas. The BFD will also help establish a triage center that will help evaluate any injuries and help prioritize any medical emergencies. The will maintain personal in the Unified Command Center and will help coordinate with emergency operations from their main office. They will also assist as a liaison between the local hospitals in the immediate area. This will help evacuate the injured and facilitate operations in the triage center. F.United States Border Patrol The United States Border Patrol will maintain a show of force during all emergency operations in the Brownsville area. They will assist DPS with any and all evacuation operations and they will help enforce road closers throughout the city. This will establish a base of operations at their local Border Patrol Station and will respond to any emergency that might arise. The Border Patrol will also maintain a law enforcement presence in the city and the surrounding areas. The Border Patrol has the capability to respond to any emergency and can sustain law enforcement and emergency operations before, during and after the hurricane makes landfall. G.United States Coast Guard The United States Coast Guard will assist in the evacuation of people in the immediate and mandatory areas. They will also help supply small boats that the emergency responders can get into flooded areas. The Coast Guard will also maintain a representative at the Unified Command Center. H.Texas Army National Guard In the event that the Texas Army National Guard is needed, the Brownsville Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security will make a formal  request to the Governor’s Office. The Texas Army National Guard will be notified of their activation at least 72 hours before the hurricane makes landfall (TXDPS, 2013). The Texas Army National Guard will assist agencies evacuate people if needed. They will not assist in any enforcement operations as per State law. After the hurricane makes landfall they will assist in rescue operations and they will set up food and water distribution sites. Any medical personal will report to the triage center, they will then help treat and evaluate the injured. The Texas Army National Guard will coordinate with the Fire and Police Departments and will assist them in any rescue operations that they are needed in. The Texas Army National Guard can provide assistance with personal, equipment and air support. I.American Red Cross The American Red Cross and provide assistance in many different ways during a major emergency. In the event of a hurricane or any major disaster American Red Cross will be in charge of establishing shelters around the city of Brownsville. They will also register and keep track of the number of people at a shelter at any given time. They will also be in charge of distributing food, cloth and personal items to the people that need them. They will assist emergency managers set up food distribution locations throughout the city for emergency responders. They will provide assistance to people that been separated from their family members. This will help reunite families that have been separated during rescue or evacuation operations. J.Local Hospitals Brownsville has two main hospitals that will need to be kept informed of the statue of the hurricane. In the event of a category 4 hurricane the hospitals will shut down and will only take in emergency patients. This would be patients that need immediate medical attention or that have life threating injuries that need to be attended too. The two hospitals in the city of Brownsville are: †¢Valley Regional Medical Center is located at 100A E. Alton Gloor Bvd, Brownsville, Texas. †¢Valley Baptist Medical Center Brownsville is located at 1040 West Jefferson Brownsville, Texas K.Private Businesses In the event of a major disaster the Brownsville Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security will make arrangements with local businesses to coordinate supplies and equipment that might be needed during a hurricane. The business will provide food, water and any equipment that might be needed by first responders, for example pumps, generators and shovels. The OEMHS’s finance department will keep track of all the equipment and supplies that are received are ordered and received by private businesses. This will help keep track of what is being used and what supplies are needed. Any special equipment that needs to be ordered or requested will be done by the OEMHS’s finance department. This will help keep track of the money that is being spent. 6.Administration and logistics The Brownsville Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security will coordinate all emergency operations in the City of Brownsville. The Unified Command Center will have a team of representatives of each agency that are involved in emergency operations as well as representatives from the State and Federal government. The will get continuous updates of the situation and will make decisions on any issues. They will also provide logistical support to all emergency operations as it is needed. This means that they as they receive information or requests for any equipment or support the OEMHS will address this situation and take action. 7.Plan development and maintenance The OEMHS is responsible for developing the EOP in coordination with the agencies that will be involved in the plan. This means that the OEMHS will meet with the different agencies that will participate in the plan and address any issues they might have with the EOP. It is the responsibility of the OEMHS to keep the EOC updated. Every year there are changes to roads, hazards and other things that might affect emergency operations. It is the responsibility of the OEMHS to maintain the plan and to ensure that it is up to date. It is the responsibility of the OEMHS to coordinate training with the agencies involved. The OEMHS should also coordinate ensure that the city managers that will in charge of the EOP be certified and maintain their certification through FEMA. 8.Authorities The authorities that will be in charge of all emergency operations will be the Brownsville Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security. The OEMHS is responsible to address any and all jurisdictional issues that an agency might have. This EOC is designed to be used during a major hurricane but it is flexible and can be used for any other kind of disaster. Communications Communications is a very important part of the EOP. In the event of a major hurricane or any other kind of disaster, communications will play a very big part in emergency operations. During emergency operation all agencies involved will use TXLAW 1, as the primary radio frequency. This will ensure that all agency managers and team leader are able to communicate with the EOP. All agency dispatchers and agency managers will monitor TXLAW 1 throughout emergency operations. This will continue until all emergency operations have stopped or the agency in no longer participating in any emergency operations. If an agency does not have radios with the TXLAW1 frequency, the OEMHS will provide radios to the agency command post and team leaders during emergency operations. Radios will be provided to private organizations like the Red Cross that will set up staging areas, establish shelters and coordinate distributions site. Team leaders and managers will remain in contact with the Unified Command Center all times. In conclusion the EOP will establish guideline that emergency managers can follow. This will help them set up a structured chain of command and establish emergency operations in the event of a major disaster or hurricane. This plan is flexible and can be changed or modified as it is required for any disaster. It is very important the OEMHS provides continu es training and maintain the EOP up to date. This will ensure that emergency operations are conducted in a safe and productive manner. References Reagan, M., (2014, April 10) Early hurricane outlook predicts light season. The Brownsville Herald. Retrieved from

Interactive Lecture Essay Example for Free

Interactive Lecture Essay What is interactive lecture? An interactive lecture is an easy way for instructors to intellectually engage and involve students as active participants in a lecture-based class of any size. Interactive lectures are classes in which the instructor breaks the lecture at least once per class to have students participate in an activity that lets them work directly with the material. * The instructor might begin the interactive segment with an engagement trigger that captures and maintains student attention. * Then the instructor incorporates an activity that allows students to apply what they have learned or give them a context for upcoming lecture material. * As the instructor feels more comfortable using interactive techniques he or she might begin to call upon a blend of various interactive techniques all in one class period. Why use interactive lecture? Lecturing is a time-honored teaching technique that is an efficient method to present large amounts of content in classes of any size and it is efficient for sharing information with large numbers of students, but may result in students who listen passively. * Making lectures interactive by including techniques such as think-pair-share, demonstrations, and role playing, can foster active engagement and enhance the value of the lecture segments. * Using techniques that allow all of the students to participate, instead of having individual students answer questions when called on, will promote student retention and learning of the material presented during lecture, give students practice in developing critical-thinking skills, and enable instructors to assess how well the class is learning that day. * Breaking up the lecture with these techniques not only provides format change to engage students, these activities allow students to immediately apply content and provides feedback to the instructor on student Activity Based Teaching Strategies The education on activity based teaching strategies Promotes teaching and learning strategies for learning activities, students work and provide opportunities for real life so they can contribute to self-learning and this strategy can be used to investigate the family situation, or discover an argument and the depth the sharpness. Examples of activity based teaching strategies, as follows: The excursion Games to make oral presentations Discussion of the training group innovative learning through projects The concept of learning The activities are part of the President of the elements of the program strategy and education are also important for other learning strategies and modern media: â€Å"The efforts of physical or mental exertion students (and teachers) to achieve this result, the following defines as â€Å"learning by students apply to intentional activity, and the deliberate and planned† He knew the work and activities â€Å"a student or students responsible for planning, the teacher’s request or desire of the classroom or outside resources, and in the form of movement or say or write according to the source of the accident the conduct in the place of activity to stop. For us it is clear that the task of wages, and reached a low with a test product, and it is necessary that the timing of how success is possible to reach the exit, but the educational activity, whether the teacher did and learning activities is done with the students and the educational activity is a means of learning activities can be educational and various learning activities, but teaching and learning activities with learning activities based on strategic problems of combined measures. Components of practice: It consists of activities in the preparation and planning of six elements: 1. Help 2. Time 3. Objective: The production, which aims to 4. Standard Admission 5. Calendar 6. Working (active substance) Benefits and advantages of activity based teaching strategies Learning by students through activity based teaching strategies on experience you get is of great importance because the education sector, with many goals and the advantages and benefits: †¢ increasing the student’s attention and willingness to respond to the educational settings †¢ Guide the development trend of students and their needs and develop their talents and the direction of education is correct. †¢ Provide real opportunities for students to self-study, where the benefits of the teaching learning situations in their future. †¢ lead to the strengthening of the independence †¢ Work in cooperative learning †¢ encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning †¢ Move the student to reluctance to exercise and respect for manual labor The role of students in the development and use of learning activities based. The role of students to do different things, including: 1. Their personal interests 2. Participate in educational objectives 3. Developing good organizational skills to keep unions 4. Involved in the program flow 5. Demonstrate enthusiasm for seeking new knowledge 6. In collaboration with other The teacher role in the development and use of activity based teaching strategies. Located in the role of the teacher in developing the strategy of education by â€Å"learning and the most important things the teacher must first of a activity based teaching strategies, as follows: 1. The planning and preparation for 2. Identify outcomes 3. Having noted the outcomes of learning using appropriate strategies such as the agenda: report or wish to evaluate the stairs 4. Choose the right activities and stimulating for students 5. Mechanisms within the group 6. Promote cooperation in carrying out activities Activity based teaching strategies describes a range of pedagogical approaches to teaching. Its core premises include the requirement that learning should be based on doing some hands on experiments and activities. The idea of activity based teaching strategies is rooted in the common notion that children are active learners rather than passive recipients of information. If child is provided the opportunity to explore by their own and provided an optimum learning environment.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Analyzing Mass Media And Popular Culture Media Essay

Analyzing Mass Media And Popular Culture Media Essay Although many can dismiss celebrity blogs such as and as frivolous and mean, the popularity and prevalence of these websites have a considerable social impact on our world today. For this Data Workshop, you will be analyzing entries in a celebrity blog, using one of the three major social paradigms. Step 1: Collecting Data Choose a celebrity blog and pick five entries. Scrutinize the pictures, read the headlines and text carefully, and review the reader comments. Step 2: Thinking about and Analyzing the Data For the five entries that you have selected, answer the following questions from each of sociologys three major theoretical perspectives. Later, use your data-collection form to write a one page essay summarizing the differences in the theories and their value as a sociological analyst. Compare what you observed to what the textbook says in Ch 1. DATA-COLLECTION FORM FOR THEORIES OF CELEBRITY GOSSIP Data Workshop 1 1. Structural Functionalist Theory: What is the function (or functions) of celebrity gossip blogs for society? What purpose(s) do they serve, and how do they help society maintain stability and order? Do celebrity gossip blogs have manifest and latent functions? Are any dysfunctions built into such publications? 2. Social Conflict Theory: What forms of inequality are revealed in celebrity gossip blogs? In particular, what do celebrity gossip blogs have to say about gender, race, and class inequalities? Who suffers and who benefits from the publication of celebrity gossip blogs? 3. Symbolic Interactionist Theory: What do celebrity gossip blogs mean to society as a whole? What do they mean to individual members of society? Can they have different meanings for different individuals or groups of individuals? How do those meanings get constructed in interaction? And how do celebrity gossip blogs shape and influence our everyday lives? -1 Kim Kardashian is good at twitter 53166_kim_kardashian_at_photoshoot_twitpics_01_123_391lo Kim Kardashian doesnt really do anything of course, but before this our famous celebrities who didnt really do anything were fug whores like Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. Remember that? What the hell was that all about? So at least Kim is hot, and goes on  her twitter  and posts pics of her kick ass rack. The only way to get even more intimate pictures of Kim is to be black. Comments: Talked ab poop. Said she isnt preggo, hated on blk ppl -2 Rihanna got a new haircut Rihanna By all accounts Rihanna (seen here last night at a Clippers game in LA) is a perfectly nice woman and everyone seems to like and shes a good singer, but very obviously her new bang haircut sucks. If this were  American Idol, these pictures would be turned into a montage with that So You Had a Bad Day song playing over it. Comments: talk ab it being fake, a wig 3 Gwyneth Paltrow has advice for other working moms 56852284 I know some people who have worked with Gwyneth Paltrow and they say shes delightful but that seems impossible to believe. Because shes a complete cunt, delusional and arrogant beyond all comprehension. The latest proof:  on her website GOOP, Paltrow, who is worth 90 million dollars and got married in a castle, has advice for other extremely busy working mothers. Yes that said other. Because thats what she considers herself. And just like all working moms, after she drops her kids at schoolà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Did dance aerobics for 45 minutes then all of the butt lifts and the like. Rushed upstairs to have a shower, doing my post workout stretch while the conditioner was doing its magic on my hair to combine activities/save time. Dressed quickly and rushed downstairs. Her day is essentially filled with stuff like that. The stuff that real working moms do when not at work or being a mom. The stuff they have to squeeze into one hour on the weekend is Paltrows entire life, but shes here to tell them how to do it. Because they dont know. They need tips from Gwyneth Paltrow. Im honestly shocked that she isnt punched in the face at least once every time she leaves the house. 4 Kate Beckinsale is in a bikini SPL240191_003 Kate Beckinsale is down in Mexico this weekend, and unlike the hags at the Golden Globes she looked fantastic in this bikini, and I think thats the same place where Jennifer Aniston is always going. I can see why she likes it. Its basically a rock and theres lots of empty space. Just like her womb. 5 Eva Longoria at the Golden Globes Eva Longoria Eva Longoria at least tried to look sexy for last nights Golden Globe awards, but her depressing tits are useless and so it didnt work. This is one of the most boring and unsexy periods I can ever think of in Hollywood. No one ever wears anything good, and most of the big stars are either not pretty or not pretty anymore. About the most positive thing I can say is that theres room for improvement everywhere. You could find hotter girls putting ads on craiglist asking for you to come rape them. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1.What is the function (or functions) of celebrity gossip blogs for society? To make fun of people, to show off the latest/ or not so latest trends, to spread gossip/info What purpose(s) do they serve, and how do they help society maintain stability and order? They serve as entertainment purpose/news/ way to spread info- help society maintain order by letting ppl know what is in/not in what to do/not do- Do celebrity gossip blogs have manifest and latent functions? Find something from bookPos effect on society-possibly could help spread trends/ show who is/isnt role models Are any dysfunctions built into such publications? Bad-neg affect, more so thatn manifest latent, gossip is bad- demeaning to persons self confidence- shows bad role models- more mature content 2. What forms of inequality are revealed in celebrity gossip blogs? First one talks ab her obsession with blk ppl, ( only blk can see more pics)-what celebritys have that most common ppl can not do/ or afford to have In particular, what do celebrity gossip blogs have to say about gender, race, and class inequalities? Blk ppl thing- class the mother issue, females- sexy hot whores Who suffers and who benefits from the publication of celebrity gossip blogs? everyone suffers from these blogs, the ppl who are wrote ab suffer bc it degrades self image, children suffer from bad role models Benefit- writer bc so many read them, if decent blog then the readers celebrities could benefit 3. What do celebrity gossip blogs mean to society as a whole? Past time- way to spread info- teach what is not cool/cool What do they mean to individual members of society? Back to the benefit/suffer part Kids are hurt by this, adults are humored by this, celebrity can be degraded by this Can they have different meanings for different individuals or groups of individuals? Yes they do How do those meanings get constructed in interaction? And how do celebrity gossip blogs shape and influence our everyday lives?back to #1 Info from book Pg 11- theoretical approach: roadmaps that connect basic image of society with research Structional functional approach- repeat behavior that affects the viewers pg 12 Pg 12- this approach was to keep ppl unified Pg 12- social dysfunction:social pattern that disturbs Pg 13- social conflict: inequality building up over time Theoretical Perspectives in Blogs From analyzing celebrity blogs we can learn a lot more than the latest gossip. The celebrity blogs provide great insight in the differences between sociologys three major theoretical perspectives. The celebrity blog that I reviewed had great examples of the structural functionalist theory, social conflict theory, and the symbolic internationalist theory that compared nicely to the books definition of each, but still had some different points. First I examined how the structural functionalist theory appeared in the blog. As known by the definition given by the text book the structural functionalist theory is a theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability (page 11). One of the major differences I noticed between how the blog portrayed this theory from how the book described this theory is the stability. I did not notice any of the different blog entries or any of the celebrities that appeared in the blog entries to work together to provide stability in todays society, if anything I noticed the celebrities all behaving in different manners that disturbed the stability of the blog. While the book describes social structure as our lives shape in families, the work place, or the college classroom, ( page 12). A similarity I noticed was how the book explained how manifest and latent functions are a part of the structural-functional approach, and you could see each function within the blog. Manifest functions could be recognized from the comments to each of the blogs, the readers adjusted their thoughts and actions based on the blogs that they read. Secondly, the social conflict theory appeared inside the blog and the book. By definition the social conflict approach is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change. (page 13) Overall throughout each blog I examined I saw issues of race, sex, and social classes. The blog that discussed Kim Kardashian was full of issues of race and sex from the main picture to the response. Her risquà © picture provided conflict for the other women viewers who saw it, but the males tended to enjoy it more. Also an issue of race was brought up when the writer of the blog mentioned that you have to be black to get more pictures of Kim. A quote like this could create an issue between all races who read the comment. Thirdly, the symbolic interaction theory that is defined as society as the product of the everyday interactions of individuals. ( page 15) appears inside the blogs entries. The blog gives viewers the opportunity to express their feelings and allow them to interact with others. Also the blog purpose of a blog is to collect data and distribute it to followers, this data can be gossip, news, latest trends, or basically anything. Some of the information can play a positive or negative affect based on the type of reader. The book mentions two different levels of symbolic-interaction, macro-level and micro-level, while the blog provides a great example of each. From the macro-level observing from a helicopter level, you can see the broad focus of the blog is celebrities different styles. The micro, or street level focus, you can see how their different styles affect the followers. Each of the three theories, structural-functionalist, social-conflict, and symbolic interaction have the same goal in mind of analyzing how a particular item affects a society, while each theory has its own specific areas. I believe that each theory builds on each other to provide a in-depth analysis, starting from how things work together, to conflicts that arise, even down to how everyday interactions. ( The blog I used was from The five blogs I chose were Kate Beckinsale is in a bikini Jan. 17, Eva Longoria at the Golden Globes Jan. 17, Kim Kardashian is good at twitter Jan. 14, Rhianna got a new haircut Jan. 13 and Gwyneth Paltrow has advices for other working moms Jan. 13.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Guide on Search Engines :: Technology Computers Internet Essays

A Guide on Search Engines Hello and welcome. My name is Jane, and I'm reporting to you live from Hollywood. I am sporting a lovely plum-colored sequence dress compliments of Bergdorf, and the jewelry I am seen wearing are from Tiffany & Co. Well ladies and gentlemen, enough about my lovely attire. The moment we've all been waiting for has come. Finally, movie critics from around the United States have gathered to criticize or glorify the upcoming movie, Search Engines. With the success this movie is supposed to receive, sequels are already being talked about. These types of movies cost millions of dollars every year to produce and maintain. As of today, the movie has generated millions of dollars through sponsored advertisements, and the owners of the production companies hope to sell even more ads in the upcoming months. Business in this type of industry is high. Every time you blink, another person is sending in their scripts to the production company, hoping their script gets chosen for review. There was some bribery reported earlier in the week, as top companies pushed their scripts ahead of the average person by paying the reviewers. This brings us back to the time when actual hard copies of encyclopedias competed to be the number one best seller. Since these encyclopedia space taker-uppers are being replaced by the coming of age search engines, competition for the highest grossing movie is becoming dangerously fierce. So much foul play occurs when scripts and company domination are at stake ladies and gentlemen. Today I'm going to interview some of the biggest names in the WWW, or whole wide world. Here with me today is Golden-Globe winner Ask Jeeves. Jeeves can always be picked out of a crowd because he always wears such early 90s clothing attire, including a bow tie and high waters. As you may or may not know, Ask Jeeves won his award through his portrayal of a money-hungry CEO of a top advertising company. He is rated by movie critics as one the top 5 actors in the entire world. His role in Search Engines seems to be unlike any he has ever done before. This is so uncharacteristic of Ask Jeeves because he is so versatile and diverse, seemingly able to conquer and answer to any challenge set before him.

Advantages of Buying an Existing Website :: Sell Websites Buy Web Sites

Advantages of Buying an Existing Website Reprinted with permission of With any new website you have two challenges: developing the product or service and then seeing what if anything, people are willing to pay you for it. Regardless of a website's past performance, an existing website will, at the very least, have a history from which you will be able to make certain decisions. Even if the website was not profitable in the past, your strengths may lend themselves perfectly to turning it into a viable venture. Furthermore, you have the ability to verify what the website did in the past that resulted in the current status of the operation. Pros: The website is 'up and running' already. It is likely to have an existing client base. The previous website owners are likely to lend support and goodwill. There is a tried and tested website formula to emulate. The website can be sold on by yourself. Generally more chance of success than starting a similar website from scratch. Cons: A large investment is often required, Website transfer costs i.e. lawyer, analysis, accountant etc.. A large amount of time required to research the opportunities available. Ease of Investigation In order to buy the right website, you will be required to do a thorough investigation of its past activities, its operations, its current status, the competition, the industry and its future potential. You will accumulate this information and then you will have to determine how it measures up with you at the helm. Clearly, this information gathering will be substantially more accurate and easier to obtain when dealing with an existing website, as you will have the resources available from which to get the details. Infrastructure You will have the benefit of purchasing a website that has an infrastructure including customers, suppliers, servers, and systems. This will allow you to focus on building the business as opposed to a start up or new website where everything begins at ground zero. Purchase Price Differences Buying an existing website does not mean that it will cost you more. In fact, many times it's less expensive than launching a new website. Even in those cases where it may require a premium, at least you know what you are getting if you investigate it properly. A new website will require a whole series of studies that will indicate that "theoretically' the website should do well.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Imperialism Essay -- History Rome Papers

Imperialism "Imperialism - the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas; broadly: the extension or imposition of power, authority, or influence" According to Webster's dictionary's definition of "imperialism", a nation is not truly imperialistic until it has controlled another territory through political or economic aspects or directly annexed the land. There were many steps in the history of Rome, which lead her down the road of becoming an imperialistic nation. Rome's dealings with the Mamertines, Hiero, and Carthage in Sicily around 264 BC would lead to the First Punic War, and thus lead Rome down the path of Imperialism. The Romans actions in that war were in fact not Imperialistic at all, but in the wars that would ensue with Carthage Rome would begin to develop a sense that Rome was the destined ruler of the world (Frank, 238). Not until the Third Punic War had Rome truly committed an act of Imperialism, when she destroyed the kingdom of Carthage for her benefit without a just cause. The confidence Rome gained in herself from the deposing of the greatest kingdom she had known, would open the gates for Roman expansion into the East. As Hiero of Syracuse advanced in an attempt to win back Messana, on the basis that the Carthaginians were protecting the independence of Messana from Hiero, they resurrected a garrison in the city (Boardman et al, 27). The Mamertines, however, did not wish for the type of independence that came in being a Carthaginian protectorate. The Mamertines would come to ask Rome for her protection from both the Carthaginian... ...e, and she was for her era. Often it is difficult to look at Rome’s actions and think how they could possibly act in such a manner, but the problem entails in that an individual will tend to think about their era instead of looking at Rome’s. Rome was an imperialistic state according to the modern day standards we have of imperialism, but from an ancient world perspective she was as just as any state in her era. Bibliography: 1. Boardman et Al. â€Å"The Oxford Illustrated History of the Roman World†; Oxford University Press; New York, NY; 2001. 2. Badian, E. â€Å"Roman Imperialism in the Late Republic†; Cornell University Press; Ithaca, NY; 1968. 3. Richardson, J.S. â€Å"Hispaniae: Spain and the Development of Roman Imperialism 218-82 BC†; Cambridge University Press; New York, NY; 1986. 4. Frank, Tenney â€Å"Roman Imperialism†; The MacMillan Company; New York, NY; 1914. Imperialism Essay -- History Rome Papers Imperialism "Imperialism - the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas; broadly: the extension or imposition of power, authority, or influence" According to Webster's dictionary's definition of "imperialism", a nation is not truly imperialistic until it has controlled another territory through political or economic aspects or directly annexed the land. There were many steps in the history of Rome, which lead her down the road of becoming an imperialistic nation. Rome's dealings with the Mamertines, Hiero, and Carthage in Sicily around 264 BC would lead to the First Punic War, and thus lead Rome down the path of Imperialism. The Romans actions in that war were in fact not Imperialistic at all, but in the wars that would ensue with Carthage Rome would begin to develop a sense that Rome was the destined ruler of the world (Frank, 238). Not until the Third Punic War had Rome truly committed an act of Imperialism, when she destroyed the kingdom of Carthage for her benefit without a just cause. The confidence Rome gained in herself from the deposing of the greatest kingdom she had known, would open the gates for Roman expansion into the East. As Hiero of Syracuse advanced in an attempt to win back Messana, on the basis that the Carthaginians were protecting the independence of Messana from Hiero, they resurrected a garrison in the city (Boardman et al, 27). The Mamertines, however, did not wish for the type of independence that came in being a Carthaginian protectorate. The Mamertines would come to ask Rome for her protection from both the Carthaginian... ...e, and she was for her era. Often it is difficult to look at Rome’s actions and think how they could possibly act in such a manner, but the problem entails in that an individual will tend to think about their era instead of looking at Rome’s. Rome was an imperialistic state according to the modern day standards we have of imperialism, but from an ancient world perspective she was as just as any state in her era. Bibliography: 1. Boardman et Al. â€Å"The Oxford Illustrated History of the Roman World†; Oxford University Press; New York, NY; 2001. 2. Badian, E. â€Å"Roman Imperialism in the Late Republic†; Cornell University Press; Ithaca, NY; 1968. 3. Richardson, J.S. â€Å"Hispaniae: Spain and the Development of Roman Imperialism 218-82 BC†; Cambridge University Press; New York, NY; 1986. 4. Frank, Tenney â€Å"Roman Imperialism†; The MacMillan Company; New York, NY; 1914.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Philosophical Groundwork of a New and Innovative Teaching

The purpose of Montaigne's â€Å"Education of Children† is to lay down the philosophical groundwork for a new and innovative way of teaching children. The purpose of this new system is to foster the child's intellectual growth as opposed to filling the child's head with facts that he regurgitates, but does not understand. In Montaigne's words, the education should put a child â€Å"through its paces, making it taste things, choose them, and discern them by itself† (110). As well as encouraging intellectual growth, Montaigne also intends to promote wisdom, character and physical development as a way of education the entire person. Montaigne's assertion is that the purpose behind education should not be for the sole aim of the increase in knowledge, but â€Å"to have become better and wiser by it† (112). The overall effect of the education should be to produce an individual that is both wise and happy; according to Montaigne the two are irreconcilably bound, as â€Å"the surest sign of wisdom is constant cheerfulness† (119). The methods used to achieve Montaigne's ideal education are a mixture of the ability and talent of the tutor; the individual attention paid to a student and the well-rounded nature of the curriculum. Montaigne asserts that a pupil is only as good as the skill of his tutor. The ideal tutor in Montaigne's eyes would be one that is more wise than learned, having â€Å"a well made rather than a well filled head† (110). The tutor should not have the student repeat what is told to him, as the goal of the education is not to memorize, but rather to learn. The tutor should be a guide in order to offer the ideas of great authors to the student and then â€Å"let him know how to make them his own† (111). Furthermore, the tutor is only responsible for one student at a time and without interference from parents. Being alone with the student allows the tutor to truly become aquatinted with the student†s aptitudes and allows for the formulation of an individual and personal education for the one pupil. The actual subjects to be learned are divided by not only the discipline of study, but also the development of physical ability, moral fiber and interpersonal skills. The development of mind, body and spirit together leads to the transformation of a child to a well-rounded man. Montaigne believes in the training of the body as well as the mind, a typically Greek concept. The tutor, therefore, is responsible for physical training as â€Å"it is not enough to toughen his soul; we must also toughen his muscles† (113). The training of body serves a duel purpose, to ease the burdened mind by giving it something else to think about and by building up the pupil's body in order to fight off injury and disease. It is only after his body has been trained that the intellectual education can begin. Intellectually, Montaigne believes in beginning the students formal education with the sciences, in order to foster the understanding of the world's natural laws. The tutor should â€Å"explain to him the meaning of logic, physics, geometry, rhetoric and the science he chooses† as a way to give him â€Å"the marrow and the subject predigested† (118). This explanation of basic scientific principles gives the student the ability to understand and interpret the passages written by famous scientists given to him by the tutor. This assertion, that children should be allowed to recognize important information for themselves, is the cornerstone of Montaigne's theory of education. The other subjects to be studied should be literature and philosophy, and should be taught in the same manner as the sciences. Montaigne argues against the study of grammar and classical languages, such as Greek or Latin, as he believes these to be grounded in memorization as opposed to logical thought and reasoning. Montaigne asserts that the purpose of education is to produce â€Å"not a grammarian or a logician, but a gentleman† (125). However, despite the discourse on formal education, the actual intellectual instruction received is secondary to the child's overall development as a person. The next part of the child's education is argued by Montaigne to be the most important. The tutor should not only be an instructor on the matters of reason and logic, but also a moral force in the life of the student. The tutor's job is to instill strong virtues in the child while he is still young, â€Å"instructing him in the good precepts concerning valor, prowess, magnanimity, and temperance, and the security of fearing nothing† (120). The tutor is to teach the child moderation, civic responsibility, humility and a â€Å"honest curiosity to inquire into all things† (114). The goal of this instilling of virtues is to create an adult, â€Å"guided only by reason,† who is as capable of making wise decisions as well as being educated (114). The student, only after the competition of a great deal of education in academics and virtues, is taught a final lesson about interactions with others. At some point in the education the pupil is expected to interact with others and put his education to use. The student is expected to visit other countries in order to interact with a diverse array of people and cultures. Through these interactions the pupil will further his own education by rubbing and polishing his â€Å"brains with the contact with those of others† (112). The informal education through experience leads the student to gain a grasp of social situations and begin to understand the way society works. The ultimate goal in this is to have the student â€Å"put everything to use† by finding valuable education in all of those around him (114). Montaigne even goes so far as to assert that eventually â€Å"even the stupidity and weakness of others will be an education to him† (115). Overall, with the completion of the relationship between tutor and pupil the end result will be a reasoning, virtuous, educated and extremely wise individual who will be well equipped to deal with the world and who will be constantly bettering himself.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Don’t no

Aeronautical Science, breeze Professionalism, Careers, and assay-mark Learning Objective 1 . inform the qualifications, attributes, ethics, and responsibilities of gentle wind professed(prenominal)s. 1 . Website http//www. Fifth. Org/2011 /02/the- air- nonrecreational mortal/ 2. Summary Directions ceaselessly Professional To be in aura means that you must put your trounce foot forward in tout ensemble that you do. You must always be professional even when no virtuoso is looking.To be professional Is a qualification, attribute, and ethical function that can non be taking lightly. The duties and obligations that go on with being professional as an aviation piece is critical to each mission. The pilots office is to know his or her Job and all(a) emergency surgery that go along with their Job, thats professional. Professional Is an action thats not estimable learned, but drill Into a persons mind, body, and soul. So, when theyre in a panic blot Its reciprocal ohm natur e to them.To be professional Is to give ones self In an leave manner, so that If some(prenominal)one sees them they know what values they bear out for. A professional Is a person that knows his or her craft ended regular measures. Aviation professional know that they must do the veracious liaison when no one Is watching, because they hold lives In their hands. hatful that escape In the aviation house impart the extra steps to do things right, thats practicing substantially ethics. These qualities can be imbed In many aviation force out and that Is wherefore we call them professionals.Wilbur Wright once said, The asylum of the streetwalker Is more Important than any another(prenominal) point. Greater prudence Is inevitable quite an that greater skill. Each member of an aviation crew knows that If the pilot Is full so Is all that flies with them. That Is why It Is jussive mood that aviation professionals do the right thing when no one else Is watching. Dont no By metadata You must always be professional even when no one is looking. To be professional is a emergency procedure that go along with their Job, thats professional.Professional is an action thats not Just learned, but drill into a persons mind, body, and soul. So, when theyre in a panic situation its second nature to them. To be professional is to carry ones self in an appropriate manner, so that if anyone sees them they know what values they stand for. A professional is a person that knows his or her craft hint when no one is watching, because they hold lives in their hands. People that work in the aviation field take the extra steps to do things right, thats practicing good ethics.These qualities can be found in many aviation personnel and that is why we call them professionals. Wilbur Wright once said, The safety of the operator is more important than any other point. Greater prudence is needed rather that greater skill. Each member of an aviation crew knows that if the pilot is safe so is all that flies with them. That is why it is imperative that aviation professionals do the right thing when no one else is watching.

Nike Supply Chain Essay

Nike Supply Chain Essay

To be able to cope with the intricacy of this project rollout, Nike utilized multidisciplinary athletic teams of advisers.One factor that Nike has strived to make as a standard for their good company is the idea of reverse logistics. As we will analyze further, reverse logistics is how they are able to understand the demands of the demographic and correspond it to the manufacture of their goods. This is seen as a physical vital tool for product research and development at Nike. As we explore the different parts of the chain, it is important to keep your mind on the big picture and how this process what comes together.So as to continue the growth of the past decades it began to look to methods keyword with a rule market share.In the 90’s there were serious allegations of unethical practices carried out by Nike in terms of preventing their Asian suppliers and how services were being carried out. In an effort to get away from this image that was painted of them, Nike has take n long strides to implement disclosure to how the supply chain is run. Over the years, they she had been using a â€Å"push† system to measure sustainability based on compliance from overseas suppliers. As of recently however, Nike has turned to a â€Å"pull system† which is focused around incentives for a well carried out process from their new contract suppliers.

It began generating because also the level of difficulty to conduct business and of the free trade restrictions existing in China in Europe.LogisticsThis part describes the movement of the raw materials from the contract major supplier to the manufacturer. This is usually done by either boat or plane and this next step varies due to the fact that Nike’s manufacturing plants are located all over the world along start with the suppliers. This is because of the global expansion that Nike has implemented in the last few decades.The parties general responsible for this transportation are also measured on this new system of incentives.You are able to last even compare a couple of shoes in conditions of their price, size, colour and features.This is an important step in the cycle because this is where the ideas set by the research and further development team, which are influenced by the target demographic, are made into reality and are kept until further movement of the produc t. Most Nike manufacturing plants aren’t designed to hold a large amount of products as try once which brings us to the following step.Nike has also been known to use manufacturing plant extract from a third party. Because of the fact that Nike is still responsible for these processes carried out by these manufacturers, they keep a close watch on the quality of the products produced.

Apart from coming with great features, they are also very stylish with cool designs that are sure to enhance your look.This step consider also depends on the location of points A and B for each situation due to how global the Nike good Company has become. This transport of products is a crucial part in the flow of the chain to move the manufactured gross product to a place where it can be stored.Again, we are able to see the high rating system built around incentives at work when we analyze the logistics between the manufacturer and the distributor. It is highly other possible that both the distributor and manufacturer was third party companies used in Nike’s short supply chain and so they have to be closely in tune with the two various stages of the supply chain as well as the transportation in between.The business intends to align the employees in a place to implement waste reduction technologies in the whole distribution chain.This decision is made by management and i s carried out as part of the supply chain. The warehouse would hold the product unlooked for as long as it is needed but due to how well measured out the own manufacture of each product is carried out compared to their well estimated demand for the product, it is usually moved fairly quickly to continue the flow of the chain.Distribution is important because the final product needs to be stored before is sent to vendors. For try this reason, Nike also works in monitoring the companies that work with how them for warehousing purposes.

Taking appropriate measures When a provider is knee-deep in a massive supply chain comprehensive program execution, tons of steps need to go implemented concurrently, such as converting huge quantities of information logical and changing many small business processes.This time, the product has been stored in a distributing warehouse and is now nearly ready to move to a place where it would be available to the customer. Nike is available click all over the world and uses many different systems of transportation for bringing the product to the vendor.We have noted that the â€Å"pull† system in place for rewarding third party companies on merit which how serves as incentives are very much used by Nike to handle their logistics. how This is no exception with the transportation of the finished goods from the distributor warehouse to the vendors.Additionally, it generates a first great deal of revenue.Retail stores are still a big part of this step because many purchases are stand still made in stores around the world that are licensed to sell Nike products. Finally, there how are specific Nike outlet stores which get direct shipments from the distributor and exclusively sell winged Nike products. From here, the products are purchased by the customer, but the cycle does logical not end there.8.

It had.Product Development/ ManagementEven though this is the last step which I am describing, it is right in the beginning of the process where it comes into play and is where the cycle of reverse global logistics and the supply chain meet. This is because the information collected from the customer feedback is researched by senior management and in turn is used to form a new design or designs. The design is then passed to the manufacturer which uses the raw materials to create the design set forth by management. This way, the cycle is continuous and efficient.Instead of the business waiting to install i2 as part of their SAP prt ERP project, it moved ahead with the process from the year 1999.By utilizing a single thread to basically make the most entire shoe. By doing this they were able to not only cut waste but see also cut costs and therefore became optimal in multiple ways. Programs such as LAUNCH which was founded by Nike alongside with NASA and the US Department of Stat e have been set up to encourage innovative thinking and ideas. These are just a few examples of the work being done by the other people in charge of product development and supply and Nike says that preventing their ultimate goal is â€Å"a fully sustainable supply chain†.

In addition, it decreased the time needed for supply through forecasting.Sustainable Business first Performance Summary. Available at FY10-11_FINAL.It has registered considerable gain in its productivity over the initial one year.2013. good Governance and Sustainability at Nike. Harvard Business School Teaching Case.Porteous, A.

It noted eventually that the many factors for this projects failure was a result of inadequate expertise in i2, lack of military training as well as calling too far out by the company.L., Rammohan, S., V., D., Carroll, G., Brady, D. 2013.